Last Updated on November 17, 2024 5:34 pm by Editor
As the Barbados Government pushed for a January 31 deadline for Barbadians to get a digital ID, renewed concern about the security of such IDs raised its head once more. But not surprisingly, the government once again downplayed and virtually walked away from the deadline.
If you feel that was a victory for the people, think again. It is one of the oldest tricks in the Marketing business. The repeated pullback from the announced deadlines for implementation of the digital ID is the exploitation of a Marketing technique known as penetration pricing.
Penetration pricing is a technique used to introduce new products: come in at a low price point and scrape off the most price-sensitive layer of the market. Repeat that at a slightly higher price point until full penetration is attained.
Despite the application of this strategy, a segment of Barbadians is holding out – as it did with the Covid 19 vaccines, because it is convinced that the digital ID is not secure or has sinister intentions or both. In other words, as with the plandemic, Barbados is developing a digital resistance and digital refusenik segment.
With the covid-19 virus and vaccine deceptions partly behind them, who can blame them. Especially so, in the wake of renewed calls for the re-introduction of covid-19 protocols from some elements of the medical fraternity. The pithy social media response by one denizen tells how a section of the Barbadian population feels:
That man really ignorant to think that the whole World still asleep! Masks do not stop transmission…they only cause people to develop bronchial pneumonia!
Bigger Truth
The first casualty in any war, in this case, the information war, is truth. The bigger truth is that local discussions and agitation on digital IDs – and most serious issues – tend to get mired in local politics and personalities as well as the propensity of many Barbadians to follow the most strident voices.
One way for Barbadians to get a better perspective on this matter and come to terms with the threat or otherwise of digital IDs – and the proposed Cyber Crime Bill 2023, especially – is to view the matter from a global perspective. We can do this by posing and answering a two-part hypothetical question:
Is there a global plan for censorship and the end of online privacy? If so, can the Barbados Digital ID and the Cyber Crime Bill 2023 become part of this global plan?
The answer to the first part of the question is a resounding “Yes”. There is a plan being masterminded by the WEF, (World Economic Forum), to end online privacy as we know it – or anonymity, as it is sometimes called. That plan is the WEF’s private public partnership initiative entitled: Partnership against Cybercrime 2020.
You Cyber Criminal!
The introductory section of this document states the thrust of the plan:
A public-private partnership against cybercrime is the only way to gain an edge over cybercriminals. This report provides key insights on how to achieve this together.
The WEF sees the private sector as a key partner in this counter cyber-criminality plan. According to them:
Against cybercrime, the solution can only come from public-private cooperation. The private sector plays a fundamental role in the ability to understand and act against cybercriminals. Only by ensuring that leading companies work side-by-side with law enforcement can we effectively respond to the cybercrime threat.
If you think that does not apply to Barbados because of the relatively small size of our private sector, ask yourself what would come next if the Cyber Crime Bill 2023 is passed.
Not surprisingly, the WEF plan tries to connect this cybercrime initiative to the plandemic and its aftermath:
Cybercriminals are developing and boosting their attacks at an alarming pace, exploiting the fear and uncertainty caused by the unstable social and economic situation caused by COVID-19 around the world. At the same time, the higher dependency on connectivity and digital infrastructure due to the need for physical distancing further expands the avenues of cyber intrusion and attack.
Of course, the WEF has conveniently forgotten to tell us that it is the very diabolical plandemic, in which it was complicit, that is the cause of the fear and uncertainty in the first place! But let’s see what else they have to say:
Kill Privacy
In section 2.4 of the WEF document, we begin to get some sense, of the real linchpin of their plan:
Conflict of information sharing with data protection and privacy laws: Two-way information sharing is a key component of any public-private cooperation. While sharing non-personal data is sufficient in many cases, operations against malicious actors require additional details, such as IP addresses, that stakeholders may be restricted from sharing due to privacy laws and regulations (such as the European General Data Protection Regulation and the US Electronic Communications Privacy Act).
This paragraph makes it abundantly clear what is the true target of the so-called war on cyber criminality. It is the privacy of individuals. Deceptively, the issue of IP address is mentioned as though only in passing. However, it is the single most important holder of your online identity and by extension your online privacy.
“IP” stands for “Internet Protocol”. According to Cloudfare, a cloud computing security company, “an IP address is a unique identifier assigned to a device or domain that connects to the Internet”.
Once you are involved at any level in online activity – even using email – you have an IP address. Even if you do not have a dedicated (“private”) IP address your ISP (Internet Service Provider) – for example Flow – will assign a shared one to you.
Ordinarily this piece of data- your IP address – is not visible or “available” in transactions to the public. But if legislation is enacted to compel a local ISP company to give up that information to the government, that is the end of the last leftovers of privacy which, in any case, was being systematically eroded under our noses, particularly over the last ten years.
What Private Sector?
The WEF paragraph cited above also raises another issue. We in Barbados are accustomed to thinking of the private sector as the companies with which we do business everyday such supermarkets, hardware stores etcetera.
However, the mention of the EGDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation) and US Electronic Communications Privacy Act suggests to us what we already suspect: those entities are not the main focus of the WEF. Their primary target is the social media companies such as Facebook, Youtube and X (formerly Twitter) and banking institutions (of necessity), all of which are private enterprises.
If you have been following the debates on digital privacy in the USA you already know that US national security agencies and departments coerced Facebook and the former Twitter (now “X”) into censoring information on the US 2020 election, the covid-19 scamdemic – especially information on vaccines – and of course, and the Hunter Biden laptop.
What many Barbadians may not know is that the Barbados Government, like many governments across the world, already has a censorship arrangement of sorts. With whom? Our one and only FB! We will be writing on this matter in the very near future.
The Digital ID Link
In the document “Reimagining Digital ID” (June 2023) the WEF made a case for Government issued Digital IDs:
Another way to address the issue of user demand is to develop decentralized ID with a clear use case or function…For example, governments wishing to develop a useful ID system could create systems that enable access to public assistance.
Sounds familiar? What we have been witnessing in Barbados with the digital ID is a right out of the WEF play book. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with having a digital ID. It is the potential abuse of it by government and other sinister parties as well as its overall security. So, in the meantime, if you have one, pinning it is probably not a smart move at this stage.
What has now become clear is that this motley BLP crew is doggedly following the globalist plan and propaganda for a so-called – and now very exposed – new world order. Its unhidden buy-in to or adoption of the discredited climate change agenda, Agenda 2030, digital IDs, vaccine protocols and now the attack on online anonymity or privacy is incontrovertible proof of this assertion.
The Psyschwops are Here
But there is more sinister detail to come. In section 3, the WEF plan lays out several principles which should be followed by all stakeholders in developing a cybercrime strategy. Principle No.1 is of interest because it calls for the adoption a shared narrative:
The cooperation should be based on a multistakeholder approach, in which different stakeholders, while recognizing their different motivations, have joint ownership of a shared narrative and objective for the greater good of reducing cybercrime across all industries and globally.
Does this mean that all stakeholders will be giving the same rationale (meaning “excuse”) for any strategies and actions which might be taken to combat cybercrime? We do not have to read very far to get the answer. In section 5.4, entitled “A global partnership: The strategic level”, the WEF plan has this to say:
Private companies should commit and contribute their capabilities to supporting the greater good. Similarly, public agencies should recognize the unique role private companies can play and provide space for their leadership in collaborative efforts. This narrative would also highlight the need for new approaches to combating cybercrime and the reasons traditional models, even though necessary in general, will not work in this context. Over time, embracing this shared narrative would allow stakeholders to increase their commitment and willingness to cooperate as well as build trust and affiliation between them.
The writers of this WEF document- as of all WEF documents- know very well how to be persuasive or carry out what we call nowadays psyops (psychological operations). Notice the use of meticulously crafted heart-warming words and phrases such as “greater good”, “leadership in collaborative efforts”, “new approaches”, “increase commitment” and “narrative” to encase or gift wrap a single sinister idea. What is that idea?
Let’s put it this way. That paragraph is 89 words. If we were to do a precis (summary) of it, what would that look like? According to the principles of summary writing we should aim for one-third of the original, about 30 words. Here is our take:
Private companies need to work together to present the same excuse to the public for the anti-privacy strategies they will need to put in place against cybercrime. 28 words
Given all of the above, you should not be surprised to hear that a cyber attack blackout simulation was and is part of the preparation (=softening up) for the adoption of cyber security legislation. This simulation is right out of the successful playbook of the plandemic. Not one but two small scale cyber attack simulations have already occurred and we understand a third was aborted because of the onset of the Ukraine war. For some strange reason these cyberattack simulations always presuppose an electricity blackout in the wake of an attack.
The Psyopted
The first individuals who are “psyopted” – or more to the point psyschwopted- by the diabolical schemes of Klaus Schwab and the WEF are those narcissistic, power hungry, communistic, morally (and often intellectually) bankrupt country leaders. That’s the “public” in the 3P or Private-Public Partnership sector.
Along with them sit the corporate elite of companies like Bank of America, Amazon, Scania Microsoft and Apple to name a few. Together with the idealistic leaders of NGOs they sit listening to Klaus Schwab and to each other every year at Davos in Switzerland.
They are absolutely tickled to death (one can hope!) by such phrases as “supporting the greater good”, “leadership”, “collaborative efforts”, “shared narrative” and “stakeholders”.
Thankfully, some leaders are breaking ranks with the Davos elite. Kudos to newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei for recently telling Schwab and the Davos socialists where to stick it.
Milei’s outburst is all the more telling because his country has experienced a national debt to GDP ratio of 85% in 2022. In the decades of the 1990s, Argentina’s inflation was measured in hundreds and thousands of percent.
Yet this new president, a trained economist, is willing to sock it to the communists at Davos in favour of capitalism on behalf of a country that was ruled by dictators and socialists for so many years. Again we say kudos and look forward to the time when we will have such a leader here.
Satellites Anyone?
The Davos crowd is the kind of company that the current leadership in Barbados keeps. Gone from our leadership is the notion of being “friends of all and satellites of none”. Instead, we seem have a class of leaders who are not only willing to be satellites of some but seem quite willing to sell out their country for 50 million IMF or IABD dollars and a seat at the international power table.
Even if that is hyperbole – an allowed linguistic technique as far as I can remember – it is not too far from the profile of the leadership that wants to pass a Cyber Crime Bill that will prevent us from saying just that.
Lest we forget, back in 2022, we responded to calls for changes in the Broadcasting Act to counteract fake news from Head of the Barbados Broadcasting Authority. Our article on that issue can be found here. From the looks of it, the planned cybercrime bill may just do what that individual was hoping for and more.
Call to Action
Response to this bill- the Cyber Security Bill 2023- is going to be a make or break for Barbadian society as we know it. Its passing will be the death of the little cathartic release we get from the fussing and fuming about the irritations in life on social media, most of which irritations, are needlessly brought on, by the corruption of our elected representatives.
Your social media habits will change dramatically and you will probably have to spend more money, making cellphone calls (something the cellphone providers will be happy to support).
This bill must be stopped. Those who know how to conduct spiritual warfare need to declare this bill not DOA (Dead On Arrival) but stillborn. Don’t wait on your church leaders because most of them appear to have been cowered into silence or bought over lock stock and barrel.
This is one time we may have to bring this country to a standstill to demonstrate who really has the power; whether the remote, godless elites of the WEF acting through their local ambassadors, -who not so long ago were “our representatives”- or we the people. Long live cyber freedom!
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