Someone-preferably the police- needs to explain to us, the residents of the greater Hothersal area, Hothersal Crescent and the Jackman’s environs why they have to put up with the loud, heavy and frankly insane DJ sounds (we use the term “sounds’ advisedly) emanating from a property located as shown in the Google earth map.
Yesterday, Saturday the insanity started early in the morning and continued until about 3.00 PM with DJ Psycho and his female associate DJ Frenzy, the two nicknames we decided to give them.
We visited the area today Sunday after the music started up again. The Berean Church located just about 100 yards away (see map) had just wound down its services. This means that once again the church had to compete with the madness during the morning worship and Sunday School.
We understand that these are paying public fetes – or whatever else they are called these days. Therefore, we want to know whether police permission has been given for these events. If so, the police need to explain to us why such permission was or has been given considering the population of the area.
As you can see from the Google map, the location of the offending property is upwind; therefore, those living on the western side of the area, namely Hothersal Crescent, are relentlessly pummelled with the loud pounding and often insane screaming of the DJ’s. At its loudest this music (“noise” really) can be heard in parts of “Waterford bottom”, the road leading to Combermere School.
As this complaint is being penned, the “music” is still going on and the monotonous beat is working up to a pace.
Now these “events” have been occurring during the Crop Over season as well as off and on during the weekends since then. So again, we would like to see the police permission for these fetes that make money for the owner of the property at the expense of the peace of residents.
We live in a small community, so we appreciate the need for tolerance. However, too far East is West (pun definitely intended here); we are now well past the time for tolerance. Owners need to enjoy the peace and quiet which by law they are entitled to as property owners in the area. Nothing less will fly!
The sponsor or sponsors of these events can be assured that unless they cease and desist immediately that a formal complaint will be filed not only with the police but also with Town and Country Planning as well as the EPD (Environmental Protection Department) on the grounds of unapproved use of residential premises.
The sponsors do not have the right to subject others to the torturous music that these events generate.
Those who work in the area of intelligence gathering (spying) know that sound or music or whatever you want to call it, is often used as a tool of torture. If people want to voluntarily torture themselves with idiotic sounds a.k.a as entertainment and worship at the mouthings of half-intelligent DJs, that is their right. But you cannot impose these rituals on the rest of the public. Please fix this!