Barbados newest political party has released its name. It is the BLF or Barbados Liberation Front. This is the second press release by the organization. The first can be accessed here. According to the spokesperson:
“Our middle name was deliberately chosen to act as a counter theme to the chains of bondage being wrapped around Barbadians almost every day and as a reminder to them that “true freedom” is a God-given right…it also complements our grand strategic marketing theme and campaign slogan which we will not disclose at this time”. |
The spokesperson indicated that the party has fully worked out its guiding philosophy which is based on a Judeo-Christian worldview. He noted that the party will be releasing its full philosophical commitment on its website, currently in the final stages of completion.
“We now have six, solid guiding philosophical principles which will direct our behaviour as a party and a government”, explained the spokesperson. “More importantly, the public will also find it relatively easy to hold us to account on the basis of these principles”.
The spokesperson singled out Servant Authority, currently Principle #5, as one of the six guiding principles.
“Servant authority is predicated on the truth – not “notion” – that all authority, including governmental authority, was created by God himself and is not a human invention. Therefore, political representatives are, in effect, delegates or servants of God’s authority. In other words, they are not lords as most of them tend to believe, but servants or ministers of the highest order.”
“But when our representatives “forget” this, we ought to be able to recall them. That ability gives full control to the democratic power of the people which is what it means to be a true republic”.
The spokesperson urged Barbadians to follow the constitutional reform process and indicated that the party fully supported the proposal to have a fixed date /time period for elections:
“An election should NOT be left up to the whim or caprice of a single individual who, in this case, is the Prime Minister. It gives too much power to that individual”.
He further noted: “Both of the so-called established parties have abused this power which creates an uneven playing field for the contestants in our democracy; it is time for change, not business as usual”.
7 November 2023
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