As we said in the last article, Strategy of the New World Order, ideological control is the core strategy of this project, primarily because it drives the other control strategies such as climate control and population control.
Another term we can use for ideological control is “thought control” or “mind control”. Ideological control rests on the principles of persuasion which is the process by which we come to accept something is true. So, in a real sense, ideological control is about the battle to establish what is truth.
The architects of the NWO know that all other things being equal, people will act consistently with what they believe to be true and / or important. That is why thought control is of primary importance to them and we have seen how this played out with the covid-19 pandemic.
Nature of Ideology
In simple terms, ideology has to do with ideas: it is about what we think, what we believe to be true or not true, what we believe to be important or not important; what we believe is acceptable or not acceptable.
A sizeable proportion of our ideas are beliefs, that is, ideas about things for which do not have necessarily have any “proof” in the conventional sense. On this basis, religion can definitely be categorized as a form of ideology.
At a deeper level, ideology merges into philosophy which not only examines different ideologies but how we arrive at what we call “knowledge” which is the domain of a branch of philosophy called epistemology. At a much deeper level, a branch of philosophy known as ontology, treats to the subject of the nature of being or who we are.
We are greatly simplifying matters here but both of these strands of philosophy are central to the thinking of the planners of the NWO. The key concept to grasp is that some elements of the NWO have radically different philosophical positions to “ordinary” people. For example, some individuals in NWO hold a philosophical position associated with eugenics.
Eugenics deals with how to arrange human reproduction in such a way to increase the occurrence of desirable characteristics in the population. For example, some would have us believe that a particular race is superior to others and therefore, deserve to be reproduced.
Others take this a step further and argue that those races with undesirable characteristics should not be allowed to reproduce and furthermore, those already in existence should be systematically eliminated from society.
Euthanasia is tangentially related to eugenics in the sense that individuals voluntarily submit themselves to an assisted death. Mirriam-Webster dictionary describes euthanasia as “the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy”.
Euthanasia is still illegal in most countries but according to Forbes magazine, it has achieved legal status in Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand and Spain and certain parts of Australia. It is also legal in some states in the USA.
Language Control
Language control is a very powerful tool of ideological control because language it is at the heart of the identity and the culture of a people. Since we think in a language, to achieve ideological control, one must control the language a person uses.
Throughout history, conquerors have always tried to control the people they conquered by changing their language because they know that a language is very foundation of a people’s identity and embodies how they think about things around them.
This control strategy is being used at this very moment in China. China has several hundred languages. The official language, also called the Standard Language, is a variant of Mandarin. In an effort to subdue ethnic groups such as the Tibetans and Uyghurs, the Chinese Communist government has instituted a programme to eliminate the native language of these peoples.
One of the ways this is done is by forbidding to speak their own language. Another is by insisting that their school textbooks be written in Mandarin and that students learn communist thought.
Gendertalian Anyone?
The basic unit of a language is the noun or naming words. That is how nouns have been presented to children at school for generations. Next to nouns are pronouns. Pronouns are words used instead of a noun: for example, instead of “man” we say “he”, instead of “car” we can say, “it”.
One of the goals of one-world-government is to embrace people of all sexual orientations and religious persuasions. So the NWO thinkers have determined that the current definitions of sexuality that limit the options to two biological sexes only must be replaced.
So there are no longer two sexes, male and female, as God created them. You can identify as whatever gender you want; so today you can be a male and tomorrow a female or something else. Therefore, in terms of pronouns, you can be a “he”, “she” or “it”. Women are no longer mothers but “birthing persons”; men too can now opt to be birthing persons.
In other words, there is a new lingo, a new dialect in town. We call it Gendertalian. Have you been practising your Gendertalian pronouns? Are you ready to be a birthing person? Maybe you think all of this is just a lot of bovine ordure. Cheers!
While we are making light of this insanity, there is a scary aspect to consider. It is about young children are now defined as having the right to change their gender. In some extremist jurisdictions, such children can now be given drugs known as puberty blockers to help them change their appearance as they transition from one gender to another.
Older persons can now get sex change operations as well as drugs to alter their appearance. Yet many persons who have had sex changes admit to being disappointed by the experience. Such was the experience of two individuals – one male one female – who were brave enough to talk about their journey to and back from gender migration.
Organizations like UNESCO, who are partners to the New World Order or Great Reset, support this new order of things by advocating CSE (Comprehensive Sexual Education) as a means of helping young people to think differently about sex and gender.
In the new order of things, there will be no restriction on the type of sexual activity in which one can one engage. So CSE can be construed as an attempt to prepare the wicket, so to speak, for this new permissive way of living.
The New World Order is clearly anti-Christian in several of its ideology perspectives so those with a conservative or Judeo-Christian world view have to make a choice of whether to change their beliefs.
Not surprisingly, New World Order architects advocate the universalization of religion arguing that we are all saving the same God. However, as I argued in an article here, this is far from the truth.
Perhaps recognizing the falsity of that premise, the New World Order now seeks to harmonize religions by arguing that all religions have a stake in addressing climate change since the earth is our common heritage. In this initiative it has found a willing accomplice in the Catholic church or more precisely, the Pope. We discuss this at length in the next instalment in this series on the theme, The New World Order and You where we deal with the issue of climate change.
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