February 17, 2025

3 thoughts on “Kicking Out Kovide and the KKK

    1. Thank you for your comment. However, the first thing you and other readers need to do is to check carefully what we DID NOT SAY. The article which we referenced does not say that anyone was under any death penalty. We cited a source which claims that a filing was made in the ICC.
      Assuming that filing is true, we do understand, even if you do not, that the ICC has to agree to hear the case as in any court where jurisdiction is an issue. For that reason we checked the ICC website to see whether the case was listed. It is not.

      All that may mean is that the ICC has not yet decided whether it will take the case. The world is still in the grip of big pharma and big tech.

      At first blush, you yourself appear to be a victim of conspiracy theory because you seem blissfully unaware that some of these fact checking organizations are in fact created by and are tools of big pharma and big tech such as Facebook, Google and Twitter which still censor posts and cancel people.

      However, since you are hiding behind a Surfshark VPN that would suggest otherwise! Nice try!

  1. ‘Wow’ and double ‘wow’….this sums it all up and needs to be ‘plastered’ on every pole in B’dos for those who don’t have access to technology to see.Trust me when I say most Barbadians are wide awake and are ready to fight for their freedom ! Scare tactics MUST stop ! Those whose release certificates are with held from them must condem such and speak out ! Bajans are tired of this farce !

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