The calling of a snap election in Barbados reduces the race to a contest between the two so-called main parties. Or so it would appear.
Contrary to unsolicited strategic marketing advice we have given both in 2018 and up to this point, it seems that so-called third parties have failed, by and large, to prepare themselves for the election that is now upon us. This evidenced by what we DO NOT SEE and what we know has not been undertaken IN THE BACKGROUND.
It would, therefore, seem that we now have to make other arrangements for our political liberation.
The SSC (Spiritual Shadow Cabinet) has consistently used spiritual means and kingdom authority to battle with the ensuing tide of evil in Barbados which is apparent to all and sundry except the perpetrators themselves.
We believe that the calling of this election is a result of that battle and the prayers of others. Of course, we are only soldiers; we acknowledge that it is the Lord of Hosts who has given the outcome.
While a majority of Christians are still trying to decide whether politics is good or evil (we addressed that in an article here), the forces of evil continue to make inroads into our society.
Although the hour is late, we believe that a laser-focused Christian party is the answer to tempering, if not eliminating, the see-saw between the two established parties pejoratively referred to as “the duopoly”.
Non-Christians are by no means excluded from the proposed caucus because it is dedication to a set of clearly articulated Judeo-Christian values and principles that is at the heart of the arrangement.
We acknowledge that, on balance, the duopoly has done much good in the past. However, the trajectory of their actions (and non-actions) in the recent past has led many to lose faith and confidence in these long-standing political arrangements. In economic terms, diminishing returns have set in.
While as a believers we are aware of our own imperfection, the subject of national leadership is too important to be left completely up to non-Christians, atheists, humanists and the “elite”.
The salient and indisputable fact is that every decision taken on a national level impacts on the total welfare of all in society, Christians and non-Christians alike.
Philosophical Departure
The over-arching point that has been made about the BLP-DLP duopoly is that there is no fundamental PHILOSOPHICAL difference between them. That is our point of departure.
A fundamental tenet of the BLC’s philosophy is that a nation that acknowledges and practices God’s principles will prosper; those that do not will face the opposite fate.
The reason why the outworking of that principle is not easily apparent to many is because it occurs incrementally and via attrition. For comparison, it is a biological fact that you can boil a frog to its death if you heat up the water in which it rests one or two degrees at a time.
The BLC is articulating fundamentally different philosophical positions on major aspects of our society such as finance and debt, economic activity, participation in government and the function of the civil service to name a few.
While some work has already been done, it is by no means a finished product. On the contrary it is an opportunity for others to elaborate on and extend what has already been drafted.
Call to Action
This is a call to those who resonate with the philosophical position above and would like to do something about the situation to come together under the umbrella of the Barbados Liberation Coalition.
We acknowledge that there are lots of challenges but there is a solution to every challenge. If, as a Christian or non-Christian you do not believe that, there is no point in even trying.
We are also acutely aware of the time pressure. However, we have to learn to walk, chew gum AND THINK all at the same time and do so quickly.
It is acknowledged that we are as famous for our procrastination as we are for our humour and local dishes. But apart from the fact that procrastination is frowned upon in the Scripture, this is certainly not the time for it.
The pace at which we operated in the past is clearly at end. This is the new normal.
Therefore, if this prospectus is of more than passing interest to you, please contact Dr. Aldon Tull at email before 4.00 PM Friday, 31 December, 2021 to discuss the way forward.
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