According to a November 09, 2021 GIS release, Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Kenneth George, has indicated that the Barbados government is now considering vaxxing children 5 – 11 years old. No reason has been given.
As might be expected, the recent spike in deaths from covid-19 in Barbados has intensified the fear of catching the disease. That fear seems to have succeeded in converting some of the previous vaccine refuseniks and hesitants into active vaccine seekers and recipients.
No kudos to David Ellis; just Bajans behaving like Bajans. As we said in our September 14 article, the appointment of Ellis as Covid-19 Public Advisor was just another waste of the tax-payers money.
According to Barbados government reports, vaccine uptake now stands at about 68%. For reaching that 2/3 vaccination proportion target, we locals have been given a little more freedom: later curfew time! The presence of tourists in our midst has nothing to do with it, of course. But in all things we give thanks.
Before we proceed, we want the reader to understand that we are not anti-vaccine nor are we offering medical advice. The author is fully vaccinated. What we are attempting to do is what every Barbadian ought to be doing: thinking critically! However, we must concede that many have not the time nor the skills to do the necessary research and deep thinking. We are simply bridging the gap. Our philosophy is that each person must have enough balanced information to give “informed consent” rather than be bullied by mandates of any kind.
Barbados Uncensored
Vaxxing Children
For some strange reason Dr. George has not pointed to any study carried out in Barbados or the Caribbean that shows that covid-19 poses a serious health risk to our children.
Neither has the CMO pointed to any international research which shows that children in this age group need to be vaccinated with any urgency, if at all.
Remember MIS-C?
At the beginning of this health crisis, it was mooted that the covid-19 virus posed little risk to children. Then quite suddenly, there were reports that children were suffering from a “reaction” to covid-19 called euphemistically, “pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome” or MIS-C. Here are the symptoms of MIS-C.
I am not a medical doctor but I can think of at least two different causes of some or most of these symptoms: food poisoning and tapeworm infection. But let’s move on.
Look up the term (MIS-C) on the CDC website. Note that there is also an MIS-A. It means “multi-system inflammatory syndrome in adults”. Intriguing!
Click on the related links, read them quickly and ask yourself one question. Has the CDC proven that covid-19 CAUSES multi-system inflammatory syndrome?
Absolutely not! All you see is DESCRIPTIVE data such as the gender, geographical distribution of persons with MIS etc. No CAUSAL data; ergo no real science to follow here.
Please see our post “Following the Science What Science? located here for a discussion of causal research.
As we said, all along we have been told that covid-19 poses little risk to children. Then we heard that children 12 – 18 were to be given covid-19 vaccines. What was the scientific basis for this decision? It certainly cannot be MIS-C because, according to the CDC website:
The team is working with U.S. and international scientists, healthcare providers, and other partners to learn more about MIS. They are learning about how often it happens and who is likely to get this condition, and providing guidance to patients, parents and caregivers, and healthcare providers.
The page from which that extract is taken bears the inscription “Page last reviewed: June 25, 2021. We can find no update on the matter since that time.
Pfizer ‘Approval’
Here is what the CMO had to say in part in the November 09 GIS report:
“As you know, the Federal Drug Administration out of the United States and the Centres for Disease Control have given approval for the use of vaccines [for this age group] in their population. Barbados has examined the evidence…. I think that PAHO/WHO is not there yet.
“Remember, we have multiple sources to examine and once those sources are brought to the attention of the public health team, we will make a determination.
The first issue that needs to be addressed here is that Dr. George needs to use the expression “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) instead of “approval”. You can consult what that means here.
There are currently no approved vaccines in the USA. All the vaccines in use have EUA only.
In a nutshell, full approval requires successful long-term (3 -5 year) field studies. Fundamentally, EUAs are based on clinical studies, that is, studies in a laboratory type setting. What this means is that if the Barbados government approves Pfizer’s bioNTech vaccine in the near future, it is by definition approving an “unapproved” or EUA vaccine.
Dr. George is correct on one point though: “PAHO/WHO is not there yet” because, according to a WHO Science in 5 video report, the vaccination of children in that age group is not a priority:
So the reason that today in June 2021, WHO is saying that vaccinating children is not a priority is because children, though they can get infected with Covid-19 and they can transmit the infection to others, they are at much lower risk of getting severe disease compared to older adults.
WHO Science in 5
You can watch the entire five minute WHO video here.
The CMO’s statement: “Barbados has examined the evidence…. I think that PAHO/WHO is not there yet” is quite interesting for another reason.
What Dr. George is implying is that he is satisfied with the evidence presented by the CDC; however, he apparently “needs” the weight of PAHO/WHO approval to seal Barbados’ approval. So what is that evidence with which he is apparently “satisfied”?
PART 2: The Evidence and the EMA Approach available here
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