February 17, 2025

6 thoughts on “The Ellis Appeal and Government’s Counterproductive Covid Communications Strategy

  1. Well expressed Dr Tull. Journalism must be balanced with reports for the pros, cons, unsure or do not know and the right to democracy where a country states that it is a democratic country. The biggest untruth about the jab is that it can save your life. In reality, medicine has alleviated pain etc. but it has never saved anyone because only God (if we believe HE exists) can do that. He is the Author and the Finisher (Aloha and Omega). If a person is unhealthy because of certain deficiencies, for example, lack of nutrition , potable water, sunlight etc. no amount of medicine will aid that person since medication, vitamins etc need something to work with. Another untruth is that tourists are not coming because of the unvaccinated. So why have some tourists from the UK refusedto tour Barbados because they are being told that they must be vaccinated? Administrations seem not to realize that oversaturation of any intended target kills it. Many of my relatives, friends and acquainrances are simply suffering from overexhaustion constantly hearing about COVID -19 and diverse jabs so we leave one radio on local news and tune into inspirational items on other mediums in our respective homes.

  2. Brilliantly written of course with clever words to get the writers point over. Though I may agree to some extent I will say that many years ago we’ve taken so many vaccines with some of us still carrying the marks on our arms to this day. However we still don’t know this virus to the extent of many becoming scientists and experts while at the same time people dying of the virus, what we must try to understand is how many deaths we have had to deal with and as to how many living amongst us that took the vaccine and living.

    We have to make a decision for ourselves and our children and bare the full responsibility should anyone dies. Now about Mr. Ellis and how much money he’s getting does not bother me because he was asked by his country to do a job he’s well learnt for and had to make a difficult decision to accept it or not. Regardless of who does it, we have a crisis involving this pandemic with a great percentage of our country not in taking the shot adding more complications to those who took the shot and also not taken it. This virus is dangerous and should I die from it, I still had to make a decision for my family that they don’t end up with tubes hanging from their faces.
    All I know is if companies don’t show signs of growth and the big layoffs begins, it will be more damaging than anything we’ve seen. The tourists will not come if they know hotel workers not vaccinated and those other locals who are vaccinated will limit their association adding more division amongst us. This will affect our economy and ability to prosper. I pray that we over come this menace, we all need to not leave God out and allow the churches to make a larger impact than how we’ve dealt with in this pandemic ?

  3. A superlatively well written article by Dr. Aldon Tull.

    He has in fact clearly and adeptly opinioned that a Government that has obviously failed in its proactive strategy to manage Covid-19 has NO OTHER CHOICE THAN to try now to give the population SOON TO BE ASKED TO VOTE, another buttered message to bewitch the minds of a well woke voting population

  4. This is an absolutely brilliant article. Dr. Tull has hit all the right points and exposed the miamatic folly for what it is.

    There are no real journalists in Barbados and any thought that Ellis can be more persuasive than mia is nothing more than a myth.

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