• Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Barbados Uncensored

Beyond the News, Inside the Issues

Coronavirus MU Variant Discovered in USA

Sep 5, 2021

Last Updated on September 5, 2021 10:44 pm by Editor

Yet another new variant of the coronavirus is being reported by the WHO.  Called the “Mu variant” or by its scientific name “B.1.621”,  some 167  cases were discovered in Los Angeles, with 2,000 cases countrywide according to the Jerusalem Post.

According to the WHO report , “Mu was first identified in Colombia in January 2021, and since then, there have been “sporadic reports” of cases and outbreaks in South America and Europe”.

The WHO also said that MU “has a number of mutations that suggest it could be more resistant to vaccines …but stressed that further research would be needed to confirm this.

The WHO report also indicated that scientists in South African are also monitoring the development of another new variant C.1.2, although it is not currently thought to be a concern at the moment.

Barbados Uncensored will continue to report on the covid-19 pandemic in a timely manner.  Follow us on facebook.com/barbadosuncensored to keep in the loop.

By Editor